Generally we use PHPmyadmin to restore our database . Suppose in some cases if you don't have access to your live server's cpanel , PHPmyadmin .
Now, you will learn to know that how to restore MySQL database from SQL File using PHP .
This is also useful for any user that if you want to allow to create a database backup from your website .
We will guide below in simple PHP script to restore mysql Database .
We have created a function 'database_restore' for better handling this task .
– This is required and it specifies the hostname.
– This is required and it specifies the database's password.
– This is required and it specifies the database name that you wants to take backup.
– This is required and it specifies the sql file's path
'; } // Reset temp variable to empty $templine = ''; } } return !empty($error)?$error:true; }
To use above function 'database_restore':
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