Drupal Advance Module Development Training Delhi/NCR India

Hi, I am Pawan Kumar, Trainer and freelance website Developer at UnitedWebSoft . I am Providing Drupal Advance Module Development Course in Delhi/NCR. Check below Syllabus. you can not find these anywhere else. My focused is to build real Drupal Module Developer from scratch. Below Syllabus are focused in Advance Drupal i.e Module Development, HOOKS, API.

This syllabus is for already Drupal intermediate level candidate that should have knowdlge in some major sections in drupal like content type, blocks, views, menu, user roles & permission etc. If you are fresher in drupal or not confident in Drupal , you are recommended to take our Drupal Inetrmediate level Training

Well, Drupal is no doubt an award winning CMS that is globally famous for it's powerfull features.Currently drupal increasing it's demands , requirements of developers . So all developer looking to be expert in Drupal.

Even if someone is Web developer but he/she can not learn Advance Drupal (Module Development , API, HOOKS ) easily from internet resources because of poor online cmmunity of Drupal in terms of documentation, example codes etc. There can find lots of resources but they mainly for Drupal Intermediate developer but not for Drpal beginers.

So, Wanna be Expert in Drupal Module Developer , learn Drupal in depth. Call me +91 99999 680 96 or submit an inquiry form.

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Our trainings help many students and young professionals like you to learn, edit and publish their own websites. To know more about how you can take admission in our next Drupal Module Development Training in Delhi,kindly contcat us . Download Drupal Module Development Training in Delhi



- Minimum files required for a module. .info, .module, .install,
- Writing secure code for secured drupal
- Using doc block comment



- What is Drupal HOOK ?
- Using hook to extend drupal functionality
- Using hook_menu, hook_block_info, hook_block_save
- Hook_schema,hook_enable, hook_install and many more


What is Entity in Drupal vs Bundle ( Content Type) , Fields

- Use entity for custom data storage
- Creating custom entity with a custom table
- Why Content Type are not for all kind of data ?
- Drupal default entity i.e content, user, taxonomy, comment, file
- Using hook_entity_info() ,entity_load()


------------------------------------ DRUPAL API -----------------------------------------


- Using hook_menu
- Registering menu item for admin access
- Front end menu in main-menu
- Menu callback function to show page
- Handling menu arguments like user/%/edit (Wildcards in Paths)
- Rendering Menu Items As Tabs



- Building form using form API
- Drupal_get_form()
- Using Ajax in form Submit
- Validating form using hook_form_validate()
- Submiting form using hook_form_submit
- Using $form_state to read form field's values as $form_state['value']['field_name']
- Populating dynamic select options, radio button option
- Submitting (Insert or Update) form in any drupal database table using drupal_write_record('table_name',$fields,'id')
- Sending email using drupal_mail - Showing message using drupal_set_message('message')


File Upload System

- Uploading image or file in form API
- Understanding drupal table 'file_managed' - Using drupal inbuilt ajax to upload files
- Preview files on form
- Validating files
- Uploading files in drupal 'files' direcotory using file_save_upload
- Use $file->status=1 and save_file($file) to permanently save file
- Showing uploaded files using theme_image_style($params)
- Register custom image style


Database API

- Running drupal dynamic mysql query using db_select()
- Insert Query
- Update Query
- Delete Query
- example to show latest members , recent comments
- Rollback query using drupal Transactions


Entity Field Query

- Understanding why use entity field query
- Using EntityFieldQuery() to interact drupal entity base table like node, user, comment
- Showing any taxonomy term (vocabulary terms) using EntityFieldQuery()


Node access rights

- Understanding Drupal node_access, role_permission table
- using hook_permission to register a permission
- user_access() function to check permission


Drupal Module development Debug method

- Using Drupal Devel Module for better debug options. usage dpm($vriable_name)
- Understanding dpm(get_defined_vars()) to show available variable in the page
- Using drupal inbuilt watchdog() function for debug log
- using simple & easy drupal_set_message($vars)


Creating Custom Module from scratch (i.e Ads Management Module)

- Declaring custom tables using hook_schema in .install file
- Registering 2 menu for ads listing and ads add
- Creating ads add page using form API, file upload system
- Creating ads listing page using entityFieldQuery()
- Creating new bloc using hook_block_info(), hook_block_configure(),hook_block_save()
- Showing all ads in form add/edit page to select with checkbox
- Saving form custom checked ads value in our custom table
- show ads on front end site using hook_block_view() - Testing and debuging our newly created module

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