Table of Contents
- Customizable
- Field power
- Customize pages with Views
- Highly improved content editing
- New configuration system
- Customize display and form modes
- Adaptable
- Other great improvements in Drupal 8
- Highly improved APIs for developers and themers
- More flexibility
- Modern OOP approach
- Simpler and more unified Entity and Field API
- Unified configuration system
- Latest frontend libraries
- Accessible interfaces made easier
- Stepping off of our island

Field power
Drupal 8 will have more fields in it's core like email, telephone, entity reference ,date etc. comment is now a field, so you can use comments in products also. there you can attach more fields in custom made contacts form.Customize pages with Views
Views included in Drupal 8 core. now no need to download from other resourses. Views now more powered. Drupal default front page declared from views. Now views can easily create admin pages, block, listing pages etc. Customize filet,action etc.Highly improved content editing
CKEDITOR WYSWIG editor included in core. Now editing content in drupal becomes more easier ,some features are quick edit, draft saving mode. Server security keep in mind with WYSSIG configuration.New configuration system
Drupal 8 comes with new file system configuration management system. It means it allow you to export all major drupal sections like content type, blocks, views and other setting .So that you can use it to other site .It also comes with version control.Customize display and form modes
It is now easier to manage forms in drupal becasue of Drupal dynamic display and form mode. For example easily customize user registration page and editing form.Adaptable
Now Drupal 8 uses HTML5 and CSS3 in it's all default themes. So it easily shrink on mobile, tablets. Drupal admin panel is much better appears in mobile devices.Better markup using HTML 5
As already discuessed Drupal all themes , markup based in HTML 5. So it is responsive on all devices. It comes with some features like responsive image display ,native input toll for email, date ,phone etc.More accessible
Incorporated WAI- ARIA so that can provide better support for accessibility .Parli Italiano?
If consider Multingual , Drupal is more powerful from the installation part by default, Now each and evry section are easily translatable by it's core features.Get translation update autometically from drupal community . Views , Block also usage language tools to display .Web services built in
Drupal8 now usage state-of-the-art HAL (Hypertext Application language). So Now we can build mobile application from Drupal. Export drupal as XML or JSON. Now can expose views result as web services and authenticate the client using http.Other great improvements in Drupal 8
Migrate from earlier versions of Drupal
It is now easy to import content from previous version of drupal 6 or 7 . Modules removed to make core leaner Previous all individual task modules such as blog, polls, dashboard are removed from core consedering majority cases. PHP module also removed to become more secure drupal .Highly improved APIs for developers and themers
Drupal 8 is using modern PHP techniques . Drupal backend features are easily extend using large external PHP community.More flexibility
Modern OOP approach
Now all major section using modern Object Oriented Programming Structure (OOPS). So Developers have lots of fexiblity to extend as per requirements.Simpler and more unified Entity and Field API
Now there only one API for menu page apart from previous entity API and Feild API.Unified configuration system
unified configuration system to use better and fast multilingual site apart from string data on-off table or variable table.Latest frontend libraries
Now included lirarry is jQuery 2.0.3 and jQuery UI 1.10.2. in Drupal frontendAccessible interfaces made easier
keyboard accessible options provided and included text-to-speech messagingAPI for developer .Stepping off of our island
Symfony 2 and Other Components